Anna Vasof is an architect and media artist. She’s born in 1985 and studied architecture at the University of Thessaly in Greece and Transmedia Art at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. Her videos and short movies have been presented in several festivals since 2004, some of them winning distinctions. She developed her own animation technique which is named ,,Non Stop Stopmotion“ and is currently writing a Ph.D. thesis about this technique.
Her shortmovie ,,Muybridge’s Disobedient Horses“ is part of this years programm ,,Kurz und Knapp“ and were nominated in the ,,youngDokfest“ for young filmmakers, who speaks to a young audience. Muybridge’s Disobedient Horses investigates where we can find the essence of cinematic illusion when we look into everyday life and what happens when we use everyday situations, objects, spaces and actions as cinematographic mechanisms.
Anna, you are an Architect and a movie maker. These are two different departments. How come you chose to combine them, and when did it all start?
I don’t really consider myself architect or filmmaker. I am a person who likes to play with the magic tricks of cinematography. I don’t know when all started, since I was a child I build toys and tell stories with them.
You created your own technique, called „Non Stop Stop Motion“. What is it about? Could you please tell us more about it?
„Non Stop Stop Motion“ is a research that investigate where I can find the essence of cinematic illusion when I look at everyday life and what happens when I use everyday situations, objects, actions and spaces as cinematographic mechanisms.
What inspires you as an Artist?
Daily life and its objects.
Is there one material you prefer to work with? And why?
In every project I use very different materials. For me it is very liberating not to have favorite material and specific medium.
You take stuff out of your daily life and use them in a way, people actually wouldn’t think of. That way your work is really hypnotic and at the same time funny and absurd. What do you want to tell your audience with your stories?
I try to let my audience see a familiar world from a different perspective
Part of the movie Muybridge’s Disobedient Horses
We watched a lot of Anna’s work and really feel inspired by her art. If you think the same and if you are interested in seeing more of her work feel free to visit her social media: